Summer is here!

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Sorry for the long time no new post, but things have been CRAZY around the Diggs household and really at work for me.

Here's the wrap for whats been going on.
January just flew by....for us.
But February is here....Grant will be 1 on Thursday. I am so super does not seem possible that it is this close. Where did my little baby go....he is all over the house crawling pulling up on things. Soon he will be on his own walking.

We are celebrating his Big day on Sunday the 22nd....with family and friends.
Had is one year old pictures taken last weekend at Miles and Me. They turned out many people have told me that they think they are his best ones yet.

Yesterday.....I went to Grant's Valentines party at Daycare...I can honestly say that I do not envy anyone that wants to take care of or have that many children. It wore me out just the hour that I was there. Valentines are so hard for boys I think, so instead of purchasing some I made a baby chex mix, (letter A puffs, dried peach yogurt bites, beechnut yogurt covered bites, whole grain banana puffs, apple cinnamon wagon wheels, and dried bananas and strawberry bites) I thought they were cute i put some in a cup.

that's all for now...I may put some more on later.