Summer is here!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Whats Up

Well it has been a really busy couple of weeks for the Diggs house hold, Christmas, New years and just other stuff. We found out on Monday that Connie Matthew's Mother has cancer in three spots. She is have test ran today to makesure for sure that it really is, we are hoping like crazy that it is not. Please keep her in your prayers as she and really the whole Diggs family could use it right now.

On a good note, Grant has started to crawl and he is all over the place. Really hard to contain him in one spot now. I just love to watch him go....then he will stop and look back at Matthew or I to make sure that we have not left him. He has four teeth and is learning to bite things, like toys and mommy's arm. Pretty much have quit the baby food really has not interest in it anymore, he is eating more of what we eat. I am finding out that almost every kids meal at a restaraunt invloves cheese of some sort, mac-n-cheese, grilled cheese sandwhich. so he has had a couple of those a some place we have eaten.

Thats all from me now.

Hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year!

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